Bug with defaults in array of structures

  1. Create a structure with a few members.
  2. Create an array variable in a Blueprint of the same type as the structure.
  3. Go to the Class Defaults in the Blueprint and click the plus icon next to the array variable.
  4. Expand the array and the first element that you just added to the array.
  5. Notice the little yellow “reset to default” arrow next to every member of the structure in the array.

If you put your mouse over one of these arrows it says that the array has a different length than the default. This should only apply to the “reset to default” arrow next to the actual array, not next to every single member of every structure element in the array.

See the below screen shot as an example. In this screen shot, the blank text field is the first member of the structure in the first element of the array. It is already set to its default value (empty), yet it has a yellow arrow next to it. Mousing over the yellow arrow gives the incorrect tool tip shown in the screen shot.


The expected behaviour is that a yellow arrow appears next to the array variable (shown at the top of the screen shot) that would display the shown tool tip if moused over. All members of the structure in the first element of the array should not have any yellow arrow next to them until you actually change a value in one of the fields.

Forgot to mention that it may seem like a minor visual bug, but it is actually a big productivity issue as it makes it very difficult to tell at a glance which values have been changed when working with large structures in an array. You have to spend time look at every value individually and to work out if it is the default value or not, instead of just glancing your eyes over all of them to pick out the ones that have changed and may need tweaking. Really slows things down a lot.

Hey -

When I followed the repro steps provided I actually saw the opposite behavior, in that the “reset to defaults” arrow did not appear for the blueprint struct variable, even after changing the value in the Details panel. This behavior has been reported here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-50212) . If you are seeing the reset arrow appear as soon as you add an element to the array, please provide a sample project showing the behavior for further investigation.
