so ive recently been trying to change the default model from the Unreal Engine 4. the thing is, I don’t really have much experience animating so if possible I would like to keep the default animations. now if I want to keep the default animation, I will of course need to keep the default skeleton. so what I did was export the SK_mannequin.uasset file from the engine and then imported it into blender. I then changed some small details; i didn’t want to do anything big until i knew i could do it. and then i imported the file back into the engine.
when importing the new model into the engine, i get an error and it asks me to merge the bones, so i do that. then i change the Third person model to the one i just imported and press play… all the animations worked fine apart from the arm. for some reason. the left arm is much lower than it should be. ( i will leave screenshots below so you can see what i mean)
i don’t understand because both the new and old models use the same skeleton and animations, so how come one of them is bugged?
if you need just ask and i will update this post with screenshots of my import and export settings on blender.