[Bug] Widget Render Transform Translation clipping


Using UE 4.12.4.
Create a widget, attach it to an actor.
Put anything visible (an image for instance). Then use the render transform translation to make it somewhat far away (ex : y = 300).
Play, move the camera so the widget center gets more and more off-screen but the image is still on screen, observe that the image starts to clip from its top (if y >0, etc.) much before it is off-screen.

NB : Same result if you add a widget to the widget component via c++ and set renderTransform.translation.

I saw a bug on scale/rotation was open but nothing on translation, so I made it a new one.

Any workaround ? I don’t want to move the component itself, it is correctly placed and the most logical parent for this.


Tried to make a package : same result. The widgets start clipping as if there were with a 0,0 render transform translation, whereas they are still much in-screen.

It only happens if the widgetComponent has “Space” set to Screen (never occluded), which is what I need unfortunately.
If you have some trouble reproducing it, I just did so I should be able to provide screenshots if needed.

screens (dont forget to put component to screen space):

alt text


Hello NicolasTony,

This is a known issue (UE-4659) that has been submitted to the developers for further consideration. I do not have a workaround at this time. However, I will be sure to bump up the community interest on the report for this issue. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day