Whenever I move the skeletal mesh seems to fox around the edges. Is there a fix for this or is it just a bug with the engine that is being worked on?
And this ONLY happens when I push a key to move.
Whenever I move the skeletal mesh seems to fox around the edges. Is there a fix for this or is it just a bug with the engine that is being worked on?
And this ONLY happens when I push a key to move.
This looks to be an artifact due to motion blur. We’ll take a look here and see what can be done to improve it.
How to turn motion blur off to remove the artefact?
You can set MotionBlurAmount to 0 in your post process volume.
I tried setting the Global PostProcessVolume to Amount (off) and 0 and nothing changes, still blurring the player mesh when it moves in PIE (in the sidescroller game project).
I also turned off the Disabled flag for the global post process but that makes no difference either.
You want to leave Amount (the influence of the volume) at 1. You want to set only MotionBlurAmount to 0
Thanks Nick, that answer got me there.
As I see it, what works is to highlight the Global PostProcess in Scene Outliner then in the Details panel, in the section Motion Blur set Amount as ticked and set its value to 1.0 and set Max as ticked and its value to 0.0. This gets rid of the fuzzy transparent edges on my character in SideScroller anyhow.
For me it occurs for the same mesh in SideScroller but not in 3rdPerson.
In the same Global PostProcess as Motion Blur settings, there’s a MISC settings section, and in there if I set the AA Method as FXAA I get much much nicer looking edges than in Temporal (the default). Why is that? Setting None makes mesh edges pixelly, but I can see how they would be.
Hi ,
We are looking into your issue. To clarify, by “move the skeletal mesh” you mean you are using the translation gizmo to move it in the editor or are you playing in editor when this happens only? Any additional details for reproducing this issue would help greatly.
No this happens when i am playing the game. Moving the character with the wsad keys/playing the game. i haven’t done anything but make a new blueprint side scroll game and change the skeletal mesh. It has been happening since the first build i got of UE4. I was hoping that it would be fixed in the update but its still here.
So this is being worked on?
I got the same thing on my 2 GPUs (GTX 470 and HD4850) with both the build 1627304 and 1711197. It happens in every project when playing (in viewport/in game, especially noticeable with the ShooterGame and the player’s weapon).
yep same i have a gtx460m
Confirming this, too. Blurry edge stuff on movement is exclusive and brand new to UE4, very weird.
Hahaha. When I saw it for the first time I tried to figure out if maybe it was something like a frame rate issue but then I soon realized that there was something wrong.
I added a skeletal mesh to replace the cube in MyCharacter blueprint in the details section. Then PIE the sidescroller default scene, and I get the same blurry/transparent edges of the mesh when moving.
yep this needs fixing!
second that!