In the bluperint editor the variable tooltip is corect but not the Details panel status.
This si true for replication and for the tooltip on hover. And others.
Hey ,
Thank you for reporting this replication issue within the blueprint editor. May I please know which version of the editor you’re working within? I haven’t been able to replicate this issue in 4.7.5. Could you please tell me the exact steps you took to achieve the replication error?
I set the replication to replicated, compiled and saved the blueprint. I then closed it, reopened it and it’s still showing up as replicated. Please let me know what you did differently to achieve this bug.
The bug shows up when you are in a blueprint that references the other blueprint with the variable.
In the pictured example the SurvivorBP is referencing the SurvivorBPAnimation (Animation Blueprint).
Hey ,
Thank you for providing me additional information. We’ve been able to replicate this issue within the Editor. If for any reason you need to reference this report in the future, please refer to: UE-14096
Thank you!