So I made a blueprint with a trigger volume which works fine I then copied it and the copy triggers all the time even when you’re not in the volume. The original works fine and does not show this side effect.
The only difference is the particle effect
screen shots are here to show events the left side is triggered while the right is not which is correct
as you can see in the editor the pink box is the trigger volume and both are the same and no where near the actor in the shot
Anyways not sure if this is a bug or just something I have missed reading about happens when you copy a blueprint
Hi Emile,
If you can, would you mind providing me with re-production steps to better able to assist you? Is this something that can be re-produced from a fresh blueprint and/or can it be made from assets readily available through the editor?
Thank you for your feedback!
if you take the BP_Commentary_Box and create a copy of it something breaks and the copy does not work like the original.
Again I think this has something to do with Timeline nodes not copying completely over as the errors come up that the SimpleCurve (which is the name of the timeline in the BP_Commentary_Box) is not properly working.
[2014.02.28-22.27.37:910][261]LogTimeline: SetPlaybackPosition: No float property 'Simple_Curve_0_to_1_78E8A06644C5379CBEABE7A9F7BFA178' in 'BP_Commentary_Box2_72'
[2014.02.28-22.27.37:910][261]LogTimeline: SetPlaybackPosition: No direction property 'Simple_Curve__Direction_78E8A06644C5379CBEABE7A9F7BFA178' in 'BP_Commentary_Box2_72
When creating a copy of a blueprint it acts for lack of a better explanation as if youre not getting a perfect copy and parts are being corrupted or bits left out.
Hi Emile,
I was able to reproduce your bug using the butterfly from blueprint_examples. I am happy to report that it has already been addressed and will be fixed by the next build for you. Thank you for your feedback!
great thanks for the update