I’m experiencing this using engine 5.1.1 Enhanced Input? On new projects I create using the third person or 1st person template, when I lightly use the thumbstick on my xbox controller the speed of the character shoots to the max 500 walk speed. It will walk slower if I barely barely barely touch the thumbstick. This doesnt happen for older projects ive worked on that I upgraded from an older engine version for some reason.
I also tested two different things. The regular input mode, in which lightly moving the thumbsticks work properly (Player character will walk instead of running); and secondly, I tried to use the enhanced input on the older engine 5.0.3 and that works properly as well. This leads me to beleive there is a bug with UE5.1.1 Enhanced Input where it forces the x and y values of the input to be at max all the time.
Notbsure if it is a bug or an oversight on settong the deadzones maybe.
Im not familiar where they store the input blueprints in those templates, but have a look round for the Input Mapping Context (usually depicted name as IMC_XXXXX but not always) have a look for the controller axis mappings and have a play with the deadzone values and see if that help
Change the Scalar modifier to Smooth in the input.
You may have to tweak your blendspace as the character will kind of shuffle along with a really gentle input, walk with half(ish) and run with full.
Thank you!! Yes, lowering this Scalar value to 1, 1, 1 solves it. I also switched the Scalar modifier to be the Smooth Delta Modifier instead and played with the various settings to try to get a “less twitchy” input.