Hello there,
I’ve just noticed that the Tether Parameters (Tether Limit and Tether Stiffness) seem to be useless because it seems like they are not affecting the Clothing behavior at all. I would suppose that this is a bug because the Parameters are simply not working.
Steps to Reproduce:
Open up a Skeletal Mesh and add a clothing section with the in-engine tools or import an apex cloth asset or use an existing mesh with clothing sections
Change the Tether Parameters like you want and watch if the cloth behaves differently with different values
→ clothing behavior doesn’t change
UPDATE: I’ve played a bit and compared the Clothing Behavior of 4.14 and 4.17 and the clothing in 4.17 behaves mostly like the 4.14 Clothing with Tether Limit set to 2.0 permanently. This might only be an UI Bug or something that simply causes the clothing API to ignore the Tether Parameters.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have taken a look at this and have found it to be reproducible. I have gone ahead and logged it as a bug. If you would like to keep track of that, you can do so here. The clothing tool is still considered to be experimental so we usually do not recommend it be used in a production environment. If you are interested in how the tool works or would like some more information on it, I have gone ahead and linked some more information below. If you have any questions regarding this thread feel free to reopen it.
That’s good news. Just to be noticed: it doesn’t matters if you created the clothing asset within the Engine using the Clothing Tools or imported it from an external authoring Tool (like 3ds Max with APEX Plugin). So I wouldn’t say it a problem with the clothing tools but rather something related to the NvCloth Integration or even just the UI of the Clothing Parameters section.