[BUG] Spatial Audio only playing in Right Ear

Every once in a while a sound component that is attached to the center of my character will only play in the right ear, even though the spatialization settings have a generous inner radius and normally play perfectly evenly most of the time.

I can confirm its a spatialization issue since when i take the Attentuation settings off the metasound, it plays perfectly always

Also i logged the distance between the audio component and the camera and it is always zero

So this is probably a bug with the engine, when the audio component is attached to the origin of the character, it will have a small chance of only playing in the right ear, but if i just set the relative location to FVector(1, 0, 0) it will work perfectly. Some divide by zero error in the attenuation calculations because when i turn off spatialization it also works (btw its not an inner radius problem i have a very large inner radius)

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