[Bug?] Socket Location not updated with Transformed Bone

I have a Transform (Modify) Bone - Node in my Animation.
Iny My Character Blueprint I’m polling the Location of this Bone.

The Location I get is the Location of the unmodified Animation.


The Linetrace starts with “getSocketLocation”. Left Arm is unmodified. and the right arm is modified with Transform (Modify) Bone

Hi Raildex,

Would you be able to provide us with your project? If so, you can send a dropbox or google drive link to me in a private message on our . This will greatly expedite the bug report process.



Hi Raildex,

I was not able to reproduce the issue following these steps:

  1. Add a Transform (Modify) Bone Node to the Idle/Run State
  2. Added a socket to the hand in UE4 Mannequin Skeleton
  3. Set Transform Bone Node to Modify Lower Arm bone (right) *See image below
  4. In the Anim Preview Editor adjusted Translation coordinates
    RESULT: Socket follows bone transformation as expected.

If this does not represent the bug you are describing, please list repro steps as I’ve done above and provide a sample project if possible.

