After doing a bit of digging this appears to be a known issue. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to visit the provided link for future updates.
I see, looks like it was resolved as wont fix? Am I reading that right?
It isn’t the worst thing. I just hope that When I try to package the game it doesn’t do it with the cleared anim blueprint. If I can package it then it won’t be breaking anything and just an annoyance.
Just in case, here are some things that I’ve tried–
Deleting the child blueprint and recreating from parent. No change
Duplicating a different child from the same parent and renaming. No change
What doesn’t make sense is that i have a different child that is working just fine. It doesn’t reset at all.
It seems I’ve been able to point to whats causing it in my project at least. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but maybe it’ll be of use to you guys.
Using the blueprint node SpawnAIFromClass and then adding the pawn class as the child blueprint causes it to reset it’s skeletal mesh to nothing.
Remove the node that is referencing the pawn class.
Set the skeletal mesh in your child blueprint.
Save and close the editor and restart
Check to see if the skeletal mesh is still set on child actor, and for me it is.
Add the SpawnAIFromClass node back to the graph and set the pawn class as your child blueprint.
Compile and save-- restart the editor,
My skeletal mesh is now set to none.
Tested this just now with other nodes that would reference the child blueprint. For example, just SpawnActorFromClass does the same thing.