Bug Report: Remote Control MIDI implementation controlling properties with several values

Hello all,

I’m implementing Remote Control on Unreal Engine v. 5.2.1

Objective: Move cameras or objects from any MIDI device sending CC (MIDI control change).

Functionality affected:
Can not use more than one binding per Actor property that uses coordinates (X, Y and Z).
Adding subsequent bindings in the configuration do overwrite the previous bindings.

Remote Control of actor properties that do have several values (like location, scale or rotation, x, y, z in the same property of the actor) do get overwritten by the last Binding and thus can not be programmed.

When exposing actors properties that have several values (like Location, Rotation or Scale, that do have X, Y and Z values), the second and subsequent bindings under the same entry stop working.

Steps to reproduce:
0.- Enable Remote Control MIDI and MIDI plugins. Connect your MIDI device and ensure that you set your default MIDI device in Project Settings.
1.- Create a CineCameraActor OR a simple Mesh (Cube).
2.- Create a new Remote Control Preset in your Content Browser. Open it.
3.- Expose your actor any X, Y, Z property in the Expose tab. (i.e. Camera Location)
4.- Create your 1st binding for X coordinate, mask X and enable “autodetect” button. It will lit in RED. Move your MIDI CC controller (i.e. a knob)
5.- Put some coordinates in the input “0” and “127” X ranges of your binding.
6.- Disable (clic) the Autodetect button (turns GREEN). You should be able to move the actor with your MIDI device now in the X axis.
7.- Now add a SECOND Binding for the Y coordinates, mask Y and “MIDI learn” (autodetect) your second MIDI knob, using a different MIDI CC. When detected the MIDI channel and CC, disable (clic) the Autodetect button (turns GREEN).

8.- The second binding for Y will work, but you’ll see that the first binding (X knob) is lost.

You can repeat the BUG by programming the X knob again, it will overwrite your second binding (Y).

Tested with Windows 11, different MIDI devices (NI Traktor F1, NI Maschnie MK3, Fadefox EC4…). Also tested configuring the device knobs to use different MIDI channels. Bug still exists.

And there’s a second bug in here: On Windows 11, maximizing the window does not allow to scroll to see the MDI bindings below. Troubleshooting: resize the “remote control” window on Windows and you’ll be able to find the scroll bar on the right.


Alejandro Guerrero

Hello, im having similar issues with the MIDI Remote Controller. Have you managed to find a solution to yours yet?