I’m not seeing the behavior you’re describing. After creating a new function the section for Local Variables will appear below the section for Event Dispatchers in the My Blueprint panel. Clicking the plus button on the right side of the Local Variables heading will create a new local variable for that function in this section. If there are references to the variable already placed in the graph a prompt will appear when attempting to delete it to remind you that the references will be deleted as well. The details panel for the local variables will appear when clicking on either the variable in the graph or in the My Blueprint panel.
If you are seeing different behavior could you please post a screenshot or short video to help explain what you’re experiencing?
Thank you for your answer. Now it works for me in this particular changelist when using the Single Layout Blueprint Editor, but it won’t work in the old layout.
If its at your end also at the old Layout, than there seems something off with my build in general.