Not sure what’s going on with it, but I’ve set up about 3 projects now in both 4.13 and 4.12, and when I try to make it so an OnBeginOverlap event for a capsule collision hits something, it rapidly fires both OnBeginOverlap and OnEndOverlap. Sometimes it will also fire both only when it isn’t overlapping as well. It just seems like something with generating overlap events and Google VR settings are crossing each other or something.
Hopefully this helps perfect the engine, if you’d like me to submit one of these errored projects, just ask and I’ll make a Google Drive link for you!
This does happen with trigger volumes triggering in the Level Blueprint as well. I can make do with a constantly firing trigger and make a work-around using Do Once and resetting with a different event, but it would be nice in the future since people using Google VR without the Daydream controllers will need to use overlapping events for a lot of functionality in their games.
I noticed that you said you have run into this issue in a few projects. Would it be possible for you to provide a detailed set of steps for us to reproduce this issue on our end in a clean project? If so, could you also provide screen shots of any blueprints/settings used during the reproduction on this issue?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
I have been overwhelmed with other work and haven’t had much time to recreate the project.
Open up UE4 version 4.12 or 4.13 (installed via Launcher)
Create a project using the 3rd person template
Go through the Android and Google VR development setup guide as stated in the UE4 docuentation
Delete all geometry other than the floor
Create a trigger volume in the scene and through the Level Blueprint link an OnBeginOverlap that is linked to a Print String
Interact with the trigger volume with the character in the test, and you should see that the overlap event is firing constantly while not overlapping (which it shouldn’t) and fires once when the overlap begins (which it should)
I’d like to upload my project later on, but I do know that I will be busy until tomorrow evening and will most likely not be able to or will forget to.
I apologize again for this taking so long to send this information.
After reading over your steps, it sounds like your actor maybe overlapping itself. Could you run a check during overlap that does not fire if other actor equals self?
I’m firing the OnBeginOverlap from a trigger volume placed in the level and blueprints are in the level blueprint, not in the player’s actor. When I do a PrintString I do so to get the display name of the other actor the trigger volume is overlapping with, and it always says that it is the player’s actor that is overlapping it. Even if the player’s actor is overlapping itself, it should not be overlapping the trigger volume itself and causing that to happen because the player’s blueprint isn’t calling any OnBeginOverlap events.
Could you provide the google drive link that you offered in your original post so that I can take a closer look? You can provide it privately via a private message to me on the forums.
After running some tests I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. It appears to be a known issue. I believe this issue shares the same root cause as the issue I have linked below. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Thank you for your time and information.
Thank you, Rudy! You’re the best! Hopefully you got my project off Google Drive. I sent it to you via PM in the forums, but I forgot to come back here to let you know that I had. Hopefully this helps the engine staff find the cause and make UE4 even better.