Widgets are not cleared from memory
A screenshot will explain a bug in details.
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Widgets are not cleared from memory
A screenshot will explain a bug in details.
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It’s not really a bug… or rether depends how you think about it. That normal behavior in UObjects, you can’t explicily remove UObjects from memory, they get collected by GC when they are not refrence anywhere over time, thats why you needs to check things inside them to see if they are in use. But this indeed could be added in Get All Widgets Of Class, problem is those widgets are still usable and you can give them different parent and still use them, so question is if “remove from parent” (not “remove widget”) should be considered widget removal.
Hi CRY3Modder,
is correct. Remove from Parent does not destroy a widget, it simply removes it from the viewport. As it stands, all widgets remain in memory until they are garbage collected. This is not a bug, it is expected behavior.
Try using the Top Level Only boolean to see if you are able to only get those widgets currently in use.