Hi! I found bug in Finterp block.It’s alternately returns the correct value then zero.
I have easy blueprint and print value on screen. I use bool variable when I want to set active interpolation.
It is very strange.
Hi! I found bug in Finterp block.It’s alternately returns the correct value then zero.
I have easy blueprint and print value on screen. I use bool variable when I want to set active interpolation.
It is very strange.
Did you Set your Current Velocity value before?
@Engylizium: that wouldn’t matter
You’re printing the 0s from a different blueprint’s Tick most likely.
No, I have alone blueprint and alone prinstring. Try it yourself.
I just tried this, I’m not getting that result. What other blueprints are you using? What type of BP is calling this? If you set this up again in a new project, does the same thing happen?
I did and it works absolutely fine. You have a Print String hooked up somewhere else in the project and forgot about it. Try it in a new project and see that it works correctly.
No worries. Good luck with the rest!
Sorry, my bad! I checked in clean project and it’s working. My level have 2 actors. I used one of them. Thank you!
Forgive me the developers of Epic Games!
Yes. Thank you!