I want to be able to pickup, drop, and re-pickup actors.
I have C++ code based on the UE4 VR blueprint tutorial. The UE template BP can pickup, drop, and pickup actors.
My code does the following (in same order as BP):
- Pickup disables physics then attaches - works
- Drop enables physics then detaches - works
- 2nd pickup disables physics (stops rolling), but does NOT attach.
- 2nd drop enables physics - (actor starts rolling)
It’s the 2nd attachment that is causing me grief.
Fiddling with it,
- 2nd attach works IF the actor is a StaticMeshActor BP.
- 2nd attach DOESNT work if the actor is Actor w/ StaticMeshComponent - UNLESS “Can be Damaged” is disabled.
What about “Can be Damaged” is interfering with attachment? Is this a bug or a feature? If it’s a feature, how can I learn more about it?
Thank you!
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