BUG: Rendering flickering after game runs for about a day

Hello everyone,

I have found what seems like a bug.

If I leave the game running for la long time (about a day or more, I have not tested how long exactly it takes, may be a variable amount of time), I get a strange flickering as you can see here :


All I have done is create an example projet, added pixelstreaming, packaged it and left it running on a server for over a day.

I do not know if this is a pixelstreaming problem or the engin.

It happens on a old 5.2 projet as well as the template that uses 5.4.

This can be reproduced on Windows and Linux builds, running on AWS and Google Cloud.

Has anybody seen anything like this before and know how to avoid it?
Or should I send a bug report?

Hi there Jago!

Visually, that issue appears as though raytracing is not being sampled enough. Though it’s very interesting if this only occurs on a cloud platform. Have you tried to reproduce it locally?

Additionally, to ensure it is related, have you attempted to reproduce the issue without raytracing enabled?

Hello MWillWallT,

Thank you for you reply.
I am currently leaving the demo running on my local machine to see if I get the same bug if I leave it on for the next 24+ hours.

How do I disable ray tracing properly ?
I do not see an option for it, only in “Software Ray Tracing Mode” ‘Detail Tracing’ and ‘Global Tracing’.

Or will unticking :
“Generate Mesh Distance Fields”
“Ray Traced Translucent Refractions”
disable ray tracing globally ?

Here is a screen shot of the relevant settings :

Update: I left the it running on my PC for 30 hours and no flickering.

Something like this annoying me in UE 4.27. After about 3 hour work, interface begin flickering like this and became translucent. Work further you can only after restart UE. And all video on PC begin flickering, and continue about 2-3 minutes after UE close.

I found this is problem of Nvidia drivers. Because it begin after I install new video card.

You can check if it video card driver failure. Just Record a screen video. If on video you can’t see flickering, that’s video driver problem.

Generally, if you see an issue occurring after long time of doing nothing, it’s usually caused by memory leak or bug that slowly corrupts the memory. This can cause all kinds of issues.

Have you noticed any other symptoms besides the visual one?
Did performance slow down? or did the dynamic resolution drop?
You could measure performance (fps) before and after the issue occurs.