If I just created Project and Map (background sprite, start position, blueprint - paper character with flipbook and camera, gameMode and setted my map, mode in Project Settings)…
No good view at Play - Selected ViewPort - like side view not setted camera…
But applies nice direct camera view after RESTART project.
In my research its happens when just create new first game_Mode… and it no applies…
After restart all ok…
Additional info: Windows 10, Unreal Editor 4.13.1-3142249 Release
Hi RedeeV,
Are you pressing PIE with “Play at Camera Location” or “Play at Start Position” selected?
Do you have steps I can take to recreate this on my end?
its from Education video - 2D Side Scroller
Are you referring to this video series? https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gauJh60307mE_67jqK42twB/3GtGvNoL5UI/index.html
At what point did the error you are seeing occur? I have not been able to reproduce this thus far.
okay I will record Video of this Bug…
I haven’t seen anything on my end that would constitute unexpected behavior. Do you have any steps I can take to reproduce this on my end?
Hi Redeev,
We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.