BUG: Planar reflections to do not respect Skylight intensity

In this image, there is a large reflective plane along with a smaller Planar Reflection actor. In the Skylight, the intensity is set to “2”, which has the effect of brightening the areas effected by the cubemap reflection, but NOT the planar reflections. Note: SSR was turned off in this example

Expected result- Adjusting Skylight intensity effects Planar Reflections so that it matches other reflection sources


I am having some trouble replicating this issue. What are the settings that you have enabled on the larger reflective plane?


Thanks for your response. The plane is a normal static plane with a metallic material applied to it. Here is a repro of the issue-

  1. Make a new “default” level
  2. Create a material(1 metallic, 0 roughness, mid gray basecolor) and apply it to the Floor already in the scene.
  3. Scale the floor up to 10,10,1
  4. Disable screen space reflections by making an unbound post process volume and setting SSR intensity to 0. This is just so you can see the issue without SSR getting in the way
  5. Delete the SphereReflectionCapture
  6. Set the Sky Sphere to be “Movable”
  7. Add a Planar Reflection actor to the scene on top of the floor and turn off “Show Preview Plane”
  8. Observe that the intensity of the reflections looks similar
  9. Change the skylight intensity slider and observe that the lighting/reflections no longer matches up


Thank you for reporting this issue and for providing repro steps! I was able to reproduce this issue and have created a ticket for it which you can track here: UE-52362. If you have any more questions or information about this, please feel free to let us know.

All the best,