Hi there, I just spend many hours trying to figure out somethign that should be easy and makes no sense, perhaps you could revise this kind of behavior?
I’m trying to copy a pawn’s transform and apply it later to another pawn in another level. So i want it’s position and rotation as a result.
I found that the “get player pawn”, would not give me the rotation within the transform imediately, just location. For getting the rotation, i needed to turn on some ticks inside the pawn’s blueprint: “Use Controller Rotation Pitch”, “Yaw” and “Roll”. By doing this, rotation is included in the pawn’s transform as it would be expected as a default feature.
Then I try to set that transform to the new pawn, but it would not set the rotation part… it will only set the position.
I could also notice that player controller’s transform, would not include a valid position, just rotation, so using player controller as a source for the transform is also useless.
So… the work arround is to separetly set position from Player Pawn´s, and rotation from “Player Controller” to diferent variables, and then setting those variables to the new pawn’s position, and the new controller’s rotation…
As a final conclusion or question, why did you not unify the parameters in a single entity? In any situation the desirable workflow is to have a simple access to the whole transformation of an object… why seting it into 2 herarchies that are not compatible, and by no means, explained or visible in a clear way? Hope you can fix this in the future, asi it takes so much time out of peple.
Hope this feedback is usefull,
best regards.