Bug or stupidity? Folder does not delete

Hi people - i have a folder in my outliner I am no longer using. I delete it but it keeps coming back when I reopen the level.

I searched other similar threads… Is this just a bug? Is there a work around?


This happens for me too.
Sometimes I can delete folders, but for most of the time they just get emptied and the folder hierarchy still stays the same. :confused:

wow that’s a bug. wonder where we report bugs to unreal?

Could be a bug, the way I removed it was by right clicking the folder → show in explorer, there I found 3 files that seemed to reference the moved files (that does not show up the editor) , deleted them, and then you can delete the folder. Everything seems to work fine after this, so I wonder why this happens.

EDIT: It seems like when you try to “Save All” it still tries to reference the moved files from the old folder. So you need to uncheck those files in red, restart Unreal and it’s finally fixed. Definitely feels like a bug to me. This is in Unreal 5.2.1, not sure if it has been fixed in the newer versions.

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Do you mean the outliner, or the content browser.

For the Content browser you can right click on the folder and fix redirectors to clean up the old files. Unreal leaves tags there just in case objects in memory are still referencing it once deleted. In some cases I have had to do the folders underneath the parent and work my way up the line. Then other way is to just delete them in the explorer.

If you mean the Outliner, try by reseting the intermediate files and let the engine rebuild, it may clean up the old references to the folder. Do this by closing the application / engine, and delete the binaries, derived data cache and intermediate folders and reopen the engine / application. This will forde the engine to rebuild all the temp files and intermediate files. You may not have the binaries folder as that is normally only in c++ projects.

Thanks for the replies - I was referring to the Outliner.

Where do I find binaries, derived data cache, and intermediate folders? I am not using C++

Thank you!

You will need to open the folder containing your project (Filesystem)

Chances are, there are some “redirectors” in that folder.
If you right-click the top-level content folder, and choose “fixup redirectors” and then save and re-open the project, and then delete the folder, the deletion should “stick.”

thank you people!

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