Bug or Feature? Heightmap values do not match imported values on last index and SetHeightMap not setting values correclty

Not sure if bug or feature so, here are two questions:

  1. After importing a landscape with 2033x2033 (from PNG), the landscape correctly shows in the outliner the correct number of verts.
    When calling ALandscape->GetLandscapeExtent returns correctly from 0 to 2032.

However, when I ask GetHeightData for index 2032 (border), they are constant values (independent if x or y).
The last valid value seems to be 2031 (i.e. heights that make sense). Is there an explanation for that or is it a offset by one bug?

  1. I am trying to programatically set the heigthtmap of a landscape via SetHeightData but although the values are correctly set (I am checking with GetHeightData), the landscape on editor does not match perfectly the value set. Is unreal (5.5) doing any interpolation here?