BUG: On map opening in editor crash in UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass::Link | AnimSubsystem_PropertyAccess

By the way new Tags System and Category system on the forum is terrible. Cant find any tag or appropriate category.


I’m using Lyra project.

Floating bug.

When I open a map (even in editor, not runtime) with item that has description of a class with Animation Blueprints Layers, that should be loaded when this item will be picked up, sometimes (not always but very often) project crashes with following error (please see below).

I did little change to Animation Blueprints itself. But nothing special.

But the animation blueprint isn’t even being loaded. I have no actors with skeletal meshes in the map (they do spawn on runtime, but crash happens event in editor). At first i thought its connected with Low Memory or something.

Interesting thing if I’ll open animation blueprint first and then open map/start game then crash does not happen.

The error:

error: no member named ‘InContext’ in namespace ‘$__lldb_local_vars’
error: use of undeclared identifier ‘InContext’

code where bebugger points out:

void UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass::Link(FArchive& Ar, bool bRelinkExistingProperties)


	ForEachSubsystem([this](const FAnimSubsystemContext& InContext)

		FAnimSubsystemLinkContext Context(InContext, *this);
		-> (here) const_cast<FAnimSubsystem&>(InContext.Subsystem).OnLink(Context);
		return EAnimSubsystemEnumeration::Continue;

Got the same issue when packaging android