[Bug] Metahuman grooming assets automatically unbinding *every time you close your project.*

In Unreal 5.2.0, grooming assets (Eyelashes, Fuzz, Eyebrows, Hair, Mustache, Beard) very often fall of metahumans’ faces and are at their feet instead of on their face.

The current fix is to go into your metahuman’s blueprint, and re-select their specific grooming assets in the “Binding Asset” dropdown menus, and save/compile.

The problem is that this process undoes itself EVERY TIME YOU CLOSE YOUR PROJECT. It never saves. It never compiles. Why do I have to redo this fix several times a day? Is there a permanent solution to this yet?

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Replying to raise awareness, this is -seriously- affecting me and there is no legitimate fix

The fix you described doesn’t even work for me, I have to recreate the binding asset, but it doesn’t matter, that asset will break whenever I restart Unreal

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I’ve been facing the same issue in 5.3. The groom binding asset is not only dereferenced each time I restart the editor but also I can’t re-assign it until I open it and make some change and save it. It’s really annoying

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Hello, @Meldorn, @drobile, @Raptcha911 !

So, here’s a patch that I’ve come up with that makes it such that you do NOT have to reapply upon start-up.

I’ve also elevated this issue to Epic in the BUGS reports.

It is IMPERATIVE that you reimport the binds and grooms under a different name! Then you EVENTBEGINPLAY with the original binds and grooms → immediately resetting to the renamed binds-grooms. That is why there are FOUR nodes for 2 assets.

Is the correct skeletal mesh assigned in the Groom Binding asset itself?