Whenever using the measuring tool (middle mouse + drag) over top of random BSP made structures the calculations will start off high, instead of starting at 0 it’ll start at 384 and over a 64 block of grid only increase to 390. Once I am no longer hovering over a BSP block the measuring tape will work just fine starting at 0 and increasing however it should across the grid.
I am using an Alienware MX17 Gaming Laptop on a 64-Bit Windows 7 OS with an Intel core i7-37400QM 2.7GHz processor, 16Gigs of RAM, and a GeForce GTX 660M which I imagine may have a high chance of something to do with it due to laptop graphic cards having some strange behaviors at times.
It looks like in FDragTool_Measure, the start location takes the whole world position of where you clicking into account, where the end position 0 the value related to your current view. For example, if from top down view you click on something at (10,20,30) that start value for the click will be (10,20,30) but the end value if you haven’t moved will be (10,20,0), giving you the start distance of 30. Pretty much it is telling you how far away that point is from 0 of the axis you are looking down.
Hello vellocet ,
Thank you for mentioning the FDragTool_Measure keyword.
I wanted to extend the drag tool just for education purposes but didn’t know where to start.