[Bug] Matinee FBX export to Maya

When I import the FBX. into maya, the rotation of the camera is messed up.

Hi Christian,

A few questions:

  • Do you mean that the starting and keyframed positions of the camera are rotated differently than in Editor?
  • Or do you mean that the camera rotates oddly as you move it in Maya?
  • Is your Maya set to Y-up or Z-up?

Any more information you can provide, as well as maybe pictures for comparison, could be helpful.


The starting position and angle of the camera are correct (same as in rocket) but when I scrub through the animation, the camera makes a vertical backflip and lands in the end again at the right position and angle. My Maya is set to Y-up, but I also tried Z-up with no luck. As far as my setup, it’s the example level with just a camera and matinee actor added.

Thanks for the clarification. Although simple camera animations did not cause any problem for me, I was able to reproduce the issue as my camera’s rotations became more complex. This type of issue looks like something that could be solved in Maya by running an Euler Filter on the curve, except for the fact that the animations are keyed onto every frame.

I have created a report for the problem. Thanks for letting us know.