[Bug] Light Shaft Bloom is unable to deal with translucenct surfaces properly

I was asked to re-post this issue from my previous report here: [Bug] Light shaft bloom causes distant objects to render "on top" of the fog - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

The above thread was from a year ago, and this issue is still very much so present in the current engine builds. It is a very visual error that is clearly noticeable in Solus. In its current state I cannot use Light Shafts.

When enabling Light Shaft Bloom on a light, the light will add a color on top of the whole screen when you look into the direction of the sun. It brightens the screen. However it does not brighten translucent materials, thus any translucent materials in the scene will stand out in a very noticeable way.

This is how this appears in game. Because my ocean is a translucent material, it does not brighten while the distant islands do. The distant islands therefore become very noticeable.

And this is how a tornado appears when the sun is behind the tornado. The tornado itself is an opaque material so correctly brightens. However the top disk of clouds is translucent, and due to this bug does not brighten. It clearly stands out in terms of brightness.

Here is a test case made for this. The red plane is a translucent material on a plane. Two large spheres in the distance. This works without light shaft bloom. When enabling light shaft bloom the translucent plane does not follow along as it should render wise.


Hi Hourences,

Thank you for the repro images and steps!

I made a scene similar to your setup and was able to clearly see the issue in 4.2.1. I could see the light shafts effect rather clearly as your images indicated.

I took the set up the same scene in our Internal build without being able to reproduce the issue and I used the just released preview build of 4.3 to test the issue without being able to reproduce this.

Here is the reference image I took from 4.2.1 with the same result as you’ve got:

Even though this is not as far a distance I was able to see the issue clearly

Here is the reference image I took from 4.3 Preview without the issue:

Are you able to download the 4.3 build and test this on your end to make sure. If this is still happening for you can you give me steps to get it exactly like your scene is setup.

If it is still happening I’ll speak with one of the developer to see where we stand on this.

Thank you!


Hi Hourences,

I’m going to mark this one as resolved for our tracking purposes. Please let me know if this resolves your issue, if not, I can look into it more and see if we I can get some more detailed answers on this feature.

Thank you!



Sorry for the delayed response, I didn’t had 4.3 yet.

I do now, and the problem is still very much so present. I use a very intense light bloom (bloom scale 50) to make the problem really obvious.
My material is a very simple Unlit - Translucent (0.95 opacity) material.

Thanks for looking into it.


Hi Hourences,

I’ve spoken with one of the rendering devs and they are aware of this issue. They’ve not had a chance to get to it yet, but it is on their list. There currently is no time-frame for when this will be fixed.


I have the same issue (4.3) so I just wanted to give it a +1 in the hope it will go up on the priority list.

Since this isn’t going to be fixed any time soon I have gone with making my own system for this. The lightshafts themselves I can’t do, but the most important feature which is the brightening of the screen when looking at the sun I got working now by having attached a particle without depth rendering + a material setup that makes it fade if you don’t look straight at the particle sprite. This works even better actually than the build in system, and no more translucency problems.
Probably does take a bit more performance though.

This really makes hairs (without light shaft bloom) stand out of skin (with light shaft bloom) when head partially occludes the light.

Any news about this?

I have same issue here…! Please help…