Bug: Landscape Grass Takes Forever To Load


Your solution seems to be exactly what I’m looking for but I have no idea how to implement it !

How do you create those files YourProject.build.cs, LFLandscapeGrassHack.h and LandscapeGrassHacK.cpp ? With notepad or any other text editor I presume ?

Where do you put those files in order they will be loaded at project startup ?

I’m pretty new for this kind of stuff on unreal, a little help will be greatly appreciated !


Hi, Would you share how you did put this in place ?

Hi Kaspi,

I tried to implement your solution but I get a lot of errors. Would you explain more in details how you did it ? I’m a beginner with all the C++ stuff. Thanks

I found that the UpdateGrass(,true) method worked, but loaded ALL grass for a landscape, regardless of distance. This had a negative impact on my performance, instead I was able to find this setting which speed up grass generation at the start, but still accounted for camera position.

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	ULandscapeSubsystem* LandscapeSubsystem = World ? World->GetSubsystem<ULandscapeSubsystem>() : nullptr;