Bug: Input axis configuration

I am getting only -1, 0 and 1 as values for Gamepad Right X (Gamepad Right Y works as expected). This is my setup:


It worked a day before. When I checked the input configuration in my project, I saw this:


As you can see, Gampad_RightX has several entries in the list instead of only one which would be correct.

My project was basically broken. I was possible to repair this manually by editing the input.ini and re-importing it.

Hi ,

I just wanted to check in on this. It sounds like you may have been able to resolve this issue, is that correct? If so, could you explain what edits you made to your .ini file in case someone else runs into this?

Ok, but I hope, Epic will fix this bug anyway soon.

  • Go into the project configuration / input
  • Click on ‘Export…’ and save your (broken) configuration in an INI file as backup
  • Open (your project)/Saved/Config/CleanSourceConfigs/input.ini in a text editor and carefully delete all duplicate entries
  • Click on “Import…” and browse to your edited input.ini, press ‘ok’

Hopefully this fixes your project. Good look.

(BTW: This editor kills als backslashes, it’s not possible to paste a windows path…)

Thank you for providing the information you used to correct the issue in your project. Do you happen to recall what you had been working on in your project just prior to when this behavior started to occur?

Yes, I made several different axis mappings (deleted them, and re-created other mappings later). It seems that every time I did this, UE4 duplicated the axis configuration entry instead of just updating the old one.

Thank you for the information. I will do some testing with this.

Hi ,

I did some testing using the 4.4.3 hotfix that came out earlier today, and was unable to reproduce the issue with the input axes. Do you remember what version of the Editor you were using when this issue occurred? Also, were you using the binary version of the Editor installed by the Launcher, or did you build the Engine from source code?

Hi ,

no, I did not compile the editor myself. It was a standard binary installation of 4.4.1. I just added/changed and deleted some input mappings. I used a mixture of input-mapped / abstracted events and hardware keys in Blueprint for a while. When I tried to track down some issues in my event graph, I discovered that I got only -1, 0, and 1 as values from the x-axis and finally saw that double and triple entries in the configuration which I wasn’t able to fix within the editor.

… and the same problem again. Just entered a new input axis mapping, deleted it and just used the raw events from a first person controller. Result:


Part of input.ini:


We are already aware of the duplicate axis entries, and it is something the developers are investigating. What I am having trouble reproducing is having more than two axis entries appear, and having that interfere with the inputs being processed by the Engine. I will keep experimenting with this issue, but if you happen to find a way to make it happen in a new project, it would be very helpful to get the exact steps you are using to recreate the issue.

I can’t really tell. I seems to have something to do with a mixture of indirect events (through input mapping) and using direct events (keys).

Every time I reload the project, it’s the same.

I’ve also the issue that the events “Gamepad Left Stick Left” isn’t not firing every time (only about half or third of all cases when user presses the stick). “Gamepad Left Stick Right” fires nearly every time. I’m really getting tired about this. :frowning:

Hey -

I wanted to check if the gamepad only outputing a value of -1, 0, or 1 was still an issue for you or if you had managed to resolve the problem. If you are still experiencing the same thing could you check in 4.6 to see if you get the same behavior there as well?



no, it doesn’t happen in newer versions anymore. Double entries seem to be filtered correctly now.

But BTW: It would be good if the dialog could automatically scroll to a newly created entry. When your list get’s longer, you get currently absolutly no visual feedback of the creation as you can’t see the new item.

Hey -

I believe you are referring to adding a new axis or action mappings through project settings, correct? I can make a feature request to make adding new mappings more direct. Seeing that your original problem no longer occurs I will be marking this post as resolved to tracking purposes. Best of luck in your project.
