In the below BP I have it setup that when the VR hands pick up a sword or shield the hands disappear. When the top part of the blueprint for the sword is plugged into the last pin in sequence the hand will disappear when it picks up the sword 1st but not when you pick up the shield 1st unless I have the lower part of the blueprint the shield plugged in to the last pin of the sequence node then the shield hand will disappear if overlapped 1st but not the sword hand if overlapped 1st. Can anyone at epic confirm this is a bug?
This is not a bug. Your BP is heavily flawed.
You need two separate Meshes for your hands. One for the Left and one for the right. You are always using the same hand to hide/show.
Right and Left are MotionControllerComponents
Bug reports are better filed on AnswerHub. This way it’s documented and doesn’t get lost as Epic monitors AH for bug reports, not forums.
It’s not my BP I’m using the standard VR template that epic released which for some reason decided to have one hand mesh for both left and right but why does it switch which hand is hidden 1st based on which one is plugged into the last pin in the sequence?
because the last pin is the last thing that is executed in the tick and overrides the previous set visible