Hi, i didn’t find any documentation regarding the Camera Anim Inst and how to use it. What i am trying to do is to play a Camera Animation when the player is in idle and stop is when it is moving. I created a custom Camera Shake in Matinee. I can play it but it doesn’t stop when using Stop Camera Anim Inst, referencing to the specific camera shake. It only stops when ‘Stop All Camaera Anims’ node is placed. Is it a bug or did i miss something?
Also, this whole thing is plugged in the Event tick.
Hi Xanadron,
I’m not having issues running this with a simple button press triggering play and stop. I suspect it is something to do with the tick. Can you try playing and using the debug filter to see if you can spot any odd behavior?
Hey Xanadron,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
Hi, sry i totally forgot about this since i found a workaround. The ‘bug’ seems to be somewhere else. I cant play two Camera Anims at once, or at least blend them together. For example when i reach the ground from a certain height i apply a camera anim upon landing triggering it with Event On Landed. To do so i have to annoyingly force the ‘immediate’ stop otherwise it won’t play anything, even though i can see it is executing when using a debug filter. Also i switched to 4.14.3.
Hey Xanadron,
I believe the fact that you can’t play two CameraAnims at once is expected behavior. Mainly because CameraAnims are still based on Matinee, which doesn’t support overlapping animations like that.
We do have a request in to convert CameraAnims to use Sequencer(UE-29348), but there’s no guarantee that will let you layer them. This may be intended.
Hi! I found out this function is also exist in UE5.
Im struggling to use this function because I dont understand how it works.
I want to use this to play a Finisher animation when the event us executed but the location is odd and you cannot define a center location for the sequence.
How can i make it work?
I’m not having issues running this with a simple button press triggering play and stop. I suspect it is something to do with the tick. Can you try playing and using the debug filter to see if you can spot any odd behavior?