[BUG] Get Actor Location fails for Child Actors


In 4.7.2, and presumably in previous versions you cannot get location of an actor that is used by a Child Actor Component, it will always return a zero vector. I assume this is something to do with inline function using root component location, but child actors doing something funky with root component?



Hi ,

I’m not certain I understand. Is Get World Location for ChildActor component returning a zero vector? This works for me:


I tried that with Child Actor as root component as well as a sub to a Scene component. Are you setting this up differently? I checked this in 4.7.3, but I don’t recall having an issue with it in 4.7.2 either.

My code used to check it looks like this:

		for (TActorIterator<AScrollingPlayerStart> It(World); It; ++It)
			AScrollingPlayerStart* Start = *It;

			FVector LOC;
			LOC = Start->GetActorLocation();

My setup is simple - I have a camera actor with a child actor component, and Scrolling Player Start is child actor. I noticed that actor I was trying to spawn was being spawned at origin, every time without fail - so I added that line to check location. In editor, I could see child actor where I expected it, but actor supposedly spawned at it’s location was at origin.

Whilst debugging, LOC always gets a zero vector - it finds child actor just fine, but fails to get location every time.

I tracked down cause of behaviour - a natively created subclass of actor does not have a scene component by default, whereas a blueprint created one does. Since it didn’t have a scene component, it could not correctly get location of actor.

I do feel this is a bit inconsistent though. It doesn’t feel right that a native version of a subclass should behave differently to a blueprint created one.

Hey -

Are you referring to location of child component in world space or location relative to parent location?

I created a child actor component and then use:

FVector ComponentLocation = ChildComponent->GetComponentLocation();

I was then able to print to screen x, y, and z value of vector to show world location of component.


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