Bug: Genre changes are not fully applied on the store


Shortly after launch, I changed one of the three genres for my game. The new genre selection now shows correctly when you open the game’s Epic Store page.

However, when browsing for games, the game still shows up when filtering for the old genre, but not when filtering for the new genre. At first I thought this was likely just a caching issue, but it has been the case for more than a month now.

For example, it shows up here, even though that genre is not shown on its page, and not entered in the Developer Portal:

And it does not show up here, even though that genre is shown on its page, and is entered in the Developer Portal:

Hey @Roman-Roman - There are two areas within Dev Portal where you can set genres: One that is applicable to the entire product, and the other that is applicable to specific offers within the product. I took a look at your configuration and I can see that the genres that are set in those two areas do not completely match, which is resulting the behavior that you’re seeing.

The first area can be found by clicking into your product → Epic Games Store → Store Settings → Product configuration → Product details → Genres (this is where the main product genres are set).

The second area can be found by clicking into your product → Epic Games Store → Offers → [Your Offer(s)] → General details → Genres (this is where the offer-specific genres are set).

You can then adjust the area that has the incorrect genres, submit for review, and you should be good to go once approved and pushed to live :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you, that did the trick.

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