[Bug] Focus on widget breaks custom cursor

Using UE 4.11.2

**How to reproduce : **

  • optionnal: set a custom cursor on a BP widget in project settings (lets say for Crosshairs), anyway bug is the same with or without this.
  • activate it via c++ when clicking on a widget with this :
    APlayerController pc =[get a ref to your PC];
    pc->CurrentMouseCursor = EMouseCursor::Crosshairs;*

If you try it as-is, it won’t change (bug #1), but if you click on your viewport it does change the cursor.

  • You can add a third line after changing cursor:
    *FSlateApplication::Get().SetUserFocusToGameViewport(0); *
    it will resolve this, but then if you click back on another widget, it gets focus again and thus the cursor changes back to default (same bug, #2).
    Note : setting isFocusable to false on all widget blueprints does not help.

Expected behaviour (I guess) : when calling pc->CurrentMouseCursor = EMouseCursor::Crosshairs; the cursor should change wherever the focus is, and should not visually change back unless told to when focus changes.
Supposed reason of the bug : When a widget is focused, the engine does not properly use CurrentMouseCursor (ignores it?).

If it’s intendeed (why?), how can we stop the widget focus to change the actual cursor aspect?

any chance this will be corrected in 4.12?