Using UE 4.11.2
**How to reproduce : **
- optionnal: set a custom cursor on a BP widget in project settings (lets say for Crosshairs), anyway bug is the same with or without this.
- activate it via c++ when clicking on a widget with this :
APlayerController pc =[get a ref to your PC];
pc->CurrentMouseCursor = EMouseCursor::Crosshairs;*
If you try it as-is, it won’t change (bug #1), but if you click on your viewport it does change the cursor.
- You can add a third line after changing cursor:
*FSlateApplication::Get().SetUserFocusToGameViewport(0); *
it will resolve this, but then if you click back on another widget, it gets focus again and thus the cursor changes back to default (same bug, #2).
Note : setting isFocusable to false on all widget blueprints does not help.
Expected behaviour (I guess) : when calling pc->CurrentMouseCursor = EMouseCursor::Crosshairs; the cursor should change wherever the focus is, and should not visually change back unless told to when focus changes.
Supposed reason of the bug : When a widget is focused, the engine does not properly use CurrentMouseCursor (ignores it?).
If it’s intendeed (why?), how can we stop the widget focus to change the actual cursor aspect?