Hey guys! I stumbled on very irritating problem with maybe both of the nodes Timeline or Finterp To. I have two “Transform controllers” - the first one is the location transform controller where I can change the location of an actor to a chosen target actor in level. The second one is the rotational controller where I can look around an object. And here is the problematic part. I have made a reset rotation to original rotation build when there has been changes on rotation. The problem is that when the values goes through “Finterp” To it doesnt come out as I am expecting like -90 but it comes out like -89,9989797 which blocks my workflow. Is it me missing something crucial or I am doing things wrong?
Here are some screenshots with descriptions:
The first one is the location changing controller.
The second one is the rotation changing controller.
And the problematic one - reset rotation when a key is clicked
I really hope that there is some solution to this.