[BUG] Fantasy Demon Caves not shown under "On Sale" category

Hi there,

could be a bug on my end but i double checked (including a launcher restart) and currently all sales are in the “On Sale” category within the UE Launcher. With the exception of “Fantasy Demon Caves”.
Fantasy Demon Caves: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/fantasy-demon-caves

It’s being shown as “Featured” but not “On Sale”.
It’s price was adjusted though (50%) and is shown correctly on it’s store page and in the thumbnail.

That said I suspect the labeling is done manually. To me there is also no logical explanation as to what “Featured” even means. It’s not “On Sale” since only a few of the sale items are featured. It’s also not “New Content” as many “Featured” items are not new.
You guys might want to check on this and give it some structure.

See these links:
Featured (home): https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace
On Sale: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/content-cat/assets/onsale
New Content: New Releases - UE Marketplace

“Featured” means what it means literally. The staff selected a few marketplace items and is “showcasing” them :wink:

I once had the same bug and terminating the launcher and restarting it after a few minutes helped out.

Yeah, I tried that too but the “bug” occurs even on the website market version.

It’s still bugged. Will this be kept for the whole sale duration?