Hi, under the settings dropdown in the editor I muted the sound and turned it off, but nevertheless my ingame music is playing.
Hey birdfreeyahoo,
First be sure that whatever sound you have playing is not playing through the ‘Content Browser’. Go into your content browser and find the sound wave or cue that is playing. Right-click the sound and select stop. If the music continues to play, save all of your work and restart the editor.
Hopefully suggestions were a solution to your issue, but if you need further assistance please let me know.
I play the sound from a bluprint node or code (don’t remember).
I will check if it’s playing inside content browser, but the problem is persistent, I always developed with sound turned off the last months and I always had music.
If you are calling the sound to play through Blueprint’s you will want to set the loop count to a certain amount as well as calling it to stop playing.
Hey birdfreeyahoo,
Just checking in to see if you were able to get your sound to stop playing successfully?
If I do not receive a response within the next day I will be closing this post, and marking as resolved for tracking purposes. If you do still need help and the post has been closed, simply post another comment, and the question will re-open.
Thank you,
I didn’t make any progress. Muting the editor sound has absolutely no effect on ingame sound.
My next suggestion would be to make a copy of your project folder, then go into the original project folder directory and delete all but your Content and Uproject folder.
Then launch the project from the Uproject file and see if that resolves your issue. If this does not work, you have your copy so you did not lose any of the original project files.
I’m experiencing this as well in 4.8.3. Can you point to which file needs to be recompiled? Our project is a C++ project and we can’t simply delete everything but content.
The “Enable Sound” in Level Editor > Play and Realtime Audio in the Settings panel no longer function in 4.8.3. They worked perfectly fine in 4.7.6.
Can you test this in 4.9.2 to see if it occurs there as well?