[BUG]Detour Ai controller crashing my game

Ok so I posted about this previously but didn’t get any help. My game keeps crashing but only after I restart the level a few times - always runs fine on the first play through but when I reset the level, the crash happens eventually after one or more restarts.

The only error I can find in the log file is simply a warning:

[2017.03.21-23.02.39:587][575]LogCharacterMovement:Warning: GetSimulationTimeStep() - Max iterations 8 hit while remaining time 0.092747 > MaxSimulationTimeStep (0.050) for 'BP_NPC_Master11', movement 'Walking'
[2017.03.21-23.03.35:915][409]LogCharacterMovement: BP_NPC_Master20 is stuck and failed to move! Velocity: X=584.06 Y=8.32 Z=0.00 Location: X=1284.64 Y=2030.49 Z=206.75 Normal: X=0.06 Y=1.00 Z=-0.00 PenetrationDepth:15.289 Actor:BP_SimpleCharacter_C_0 Component:CharacterMesh0 BoneName:WEREWOLF_-Head (0 other events since notify)

I’m using the Detour AI controller as a basis for my NPC movement. Log File attached.

I should specify that the game is hard locking. The music keeps playing but I have to shut it down with Task Manager so all I have to work with is the log file.

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