Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38419) . You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.
Thank you. I hope it’ll be fixed soon. It’s quite annoying and hard to find such bugs, and it’s very easy to fall in this specific one.
I assume that there might be something simmilar going on on Blueprint Classes, so probabbly someone should investigate that.
No. There is non. The only think you can do ( when you already firured out why your stuff isn’t working ) is to create a new blueprint and delete the old one - that’s it. The bug was already found 4 months ago, and nobody did nothing about it. To me it’s not the only problem connected to blueprint’s serialization and unupdating things. I don’t like that the “Target Fix” version was changed already 3 times on that bug.
Just to update you on this issue, it has been closed without resolution, because it is not possible. The hot reload process cannot know that you have renamed a native function, because there is no way for the hot reload to tell the difference between a renamed function and a function which has been deleted and replaced with a different one which you didn’t want to rebind to. This would lead to data corruption and crashes.
If you want to rename a function, you should add something like this to your game’s DefaultEngine.ini config: