I am running 4.11.2 and I was doing an interim cook just to check everything is fine. We do these checks time from time to ensure the game is still buildable. Last check I did was with 4.10.x and the cooked version was much, much faster than PIE.
With 4.11.2 I run game in Editor on fullscreen and epic details with 25-60 FPS. Packaged version (Win64) dropped down to 6-12 fps. Apart from FMOD we don’t use any external plugins.
Any idea what can be checked? We encountered this for the first time - we tried to do this since 4.7 up to 4.10 and we never had this issue.
Thanks a lot,
Ok. I tried to do both WIN32 and WIN64 build of the project. Both manifest the same issue. I captured Editor running at fullscreen / epic quality and default configuration of the cooked build. I tried both pak and separated version of the build.
Eventually I found out, that cooked version regardless of settings drops to 1/2 - 1/4 of framerate in comparison to the PIE in same resolution.
I cooked development build and captured the (almost) the same view with stat unit on. The white arrow is just a cursor which doesn’t affect performance at all. This is the result:
PIE version:
Cooked version:
I also tried to check if quality has a say to this so I tried:
sg.TextureQuality 0
sg.ShadowQuality 0
sg.EffectsQuality 0
r.DetailMode 0
r.PostProcessAAQuality 0
The result is performance-wise horrible if way more ugly.
Further profiling with stat SceneRendering showed me that the issue lies in:
Deferred Shading Scene Renderer Render Init
It takes 99% of Draw thread! If I compare it to the PIE version, that item is not even there. So I guess I found a culprit.