BUG ? Child not following the Root

Hello guys,

I’m experiencing a quite strange issue. I will try to be clear :

I have a BP that contains a static mesh of a stone (MOVABLE)

I have a bot that spawn this BP in game, and enable ‘simulate physic’ of this BP

Then, my player, with a line trace and a mousse clic on the stone, send a message to the stone BP to disable physic on the stone mesh, but my issue is that then, the root of the BP is moving, but not the stone, the stone is not following the root position, i can’t figure out why …

As you can see below :
Left : the blueprint spawned by my bot, with simulate physic enable and then disable
Right : the same blueprint dropped ingame via engine viewport


The first function is called at the spawn
The second is called before I try to move it

If anyone can help… would be much appreciated, thank you

It really feel like a bug in the engine, because as soon as I just modify a collision setting, it works … :


Could happen when you spawn a component without specifically attaching it to another. Looks buggy though. What happens if after you disable physics you use the attach component to component node?

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Oh god I found a solution in this thread :

The solution is to remove DefaultSceneRoot, and make the static mesh ( which was a child of this DefaultSceneRoot) the root instead !!

Fffff I would never have found this !

Thank you for your time @Roy_Wierer.Seda145