This issue is quite simple to explain and reproduce:
Create two blueprint BP_Parent and BP_Child
In BP_Child add for example and integer variable called myInt and give it any value you want.
Open BP_Parent and add BP_Child as a Child Actor Component of BP_Parent (dont forget to set the Child Actor Class on the new child actor component)
In BP_Parent select the newly added BP_Child from the Components tab, go to that component’s Details tab and find the Default section (I am not sure why but I found that it’s not allways present for every child actor blueprint added, so I’ve added a screenshot from my case to show which section I’m refering to).
Find myInt variable and change its value something different.
Add a print function to BP_Child that simply prints out to screen and log the value of myInt.
Put PB_Parent into any level and start the game.
Expected Result: Print shows the value configured from the BP_Parent blueprint.
Actual Result: Print shows the default value configured in BP_Child.
It’s obvious something isn’t working right. If this feature is supported it should take the values configured from the parent.
This is a very useful way when you have multiple instances of BP_Child inside BP_Parent and you want to assign different values to specific child actors.
If you have any further questions please let me know.
I followed the steps above, however I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide any steps that may have been left out of your original post?
Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved?
I am positive it happened in our production product as it caused a real issue with game logic.
I’ve since implemented a work around that allowed us to get the desired behavior and we’ve been fine since.
However (!) I was unable to replicate this issue in a clean project.
When I returned to our recent production version to try and replicate it again there it simply worked as expected and I did not encounter the issue.
So lesson learned is to always go and replicate the issue in a new project (makes sense) before opening a bug report
Thanks for reading the post and I apologize for the false alarm.
I am happy to hear that you have a workaround and that this issue in no longer occurring outside of the original setup. I have converted your last comment to an answer. If this issue returns please feel free to reopen this issue with any additional information you may have about how we can reproduce this on our end and I will be happy to help.