[Bug] Can't stop Audio Component Playing in editor

In version 4.14, Add a Audio Component and give it a wave, then enable “Is UI Sound”.

The audio will start to play in editor and never stop if the sound is looping.

If the sound not looping, it will still play once. BUT, if there is any variable change or recompile BP, it will restart playing!

There have two way to stop it:

  1. Uncheck the “Auto Activate”, but I need it to auto play on beginning
  2. Uncheck the “Is UI Sound”, but I need it to play in 2D

And I tried these steps and neither one works

1.Restart computer

2.Delete Saved and Intermediate folder

3.Verify engine

4.Right click on the wave in content browser and press stop.

5.Recompile the BP

6.Add Stop node in Construction Graph

There are many ways to solve this issue, just add some node to initialize the audio component in BeginPlay, so I think this is a bug not a question.

Hello Smallee,

Typically a 2D sound (UI sound) does not pause when the game stops or is called to pause. This is because most 2D sounds do not contain audio components which contain a toggle for this very feature, as you have discovered.


Are you referring to the ‘Real-Time’ audio within the Editor, or are you referring to the sound when pressing PIE (play in editor)?

Also, if you have unchecked ‘Auto-Activate’ then simply calling the Audio component to play using the ‘Play’ node is going to call the sound to play, therefore you do not need the ‘Activate’ node.

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.

Thank you,

I am referring to the ‘Real-Time’ audio within the editor.
If “Is UI Sound” and “Auto Activate” checked, the audio will start play IN EDITOR, this is annoying.

It is expected that the audio will play/restart if your audio component has ‘Auto-Activate’ checked and you recompile or make changes with ‘Real Time Audio’ enabled.

The ‘Is UISound’ is strictly to tell the audio component whether to continue playing when the game is paused, and since there is no game thread when you are just in the editor, that flag has no function.


Thank you
But where is the ‘Real Time Audio’ option? Is that different from ‘Real Time’ ?

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Thank very much!!

My “Real Time Audio” is muted but the audio still plays in real time in the editor if the “is UI sound” box is checked. Looks like a bug to me.

Here is the same, i have a project in that this is not happen, then i CLONED this project and in the cloned one it happens, very strange.