Following the steps below will cause a immediate crash when trying to play a level with a level instance that contains a blueprint with a child actor. It seems to be that the child blueprint is loaded with the correct parent level name but the world’s do not match and it causes a crash.
Repro steps:
Create a blueprint (ex. “BP_WithChild”) based off the actor class
Create a second blueprint (ex. “BP_SampleChild”) also based off the actor class
Drag the second blueprint into the viewport hierarchy of the first blueprint, adding it as a child actor
Open a world partitioned level , we’ll call it P_Worldmap
Load the central world partition cells
Create a new level instance with anything (like a static mesh).
Save the level and click on a level instance and click edit in the details page
Click Edit
Drag your parent blueprint (“BP_WithChild”) into the level instance
Right click, navigate to Level>Commit
Play in editor
100% crash repro