[Bug] Blueprint Function Parameter Is Return Value?

So I have a custom function which I’ve exposed to blueprints. It takes a custom struct as a parameter. The node pin, however, is on the wrong side of the node, as if it were a return parameter. I cannot connect a Make Struct node to it.

The function is:

	UFUNCTION(Category="Barrage", BlueprintCallable)
	virtual void InitCamera( struct FBCInitCameraProperties& stProperties );

The node is:


The struct is a USTRUCT and works fine with a Make Struct node. I simply cannot connect the Make Struct node to this Function node, however.

+TTaM: any ideas?

@MonsOlympus: its gotta be const in?

+TTaM: i’ll give it a try

@MonsOlympus: only thing I can think of, is the struct is being mem copied so its trying to make it out

+TTaM: yup that did it

+TTaM: thanks

Yay for IRC!


The function is now:

    UFUNCTION(Category="Barrage", BlueprintCallable)
    virtual void InitCamera( const struct FBCInitCameraProperties& stProperties );

Can I suggest that if a struct is uses & without const, it has both an in and out pin?