[BUG]Automatically change scale when Attach and Detach in 4.18 (not control by any options)

My entire game is out of control because of 4.18…I have been completely no idea of this BUG…

  • my Pawn old scaling system was completely wrong, I had to reset all the blueprint nodes again(the way I upgrade my character is to enlarge its size);
  • the “AttachToComponent” and “DetachFromActor” node goes completely wrong(on scaled Pawn)! The Actor I attach to my hand is forced to change its size no matter how I set the node(“Keep World” and “Keep Relative”, the effect of both settings is the same, but the older engine version is not the case).

Since I’ve added some new content to the game and have been working using 4.18 for a month, I have no way to move the entire project back to 4.17. And I also downloaded the 4.19 Preview1, my project can be opened in 4.19, but when the game runs it crashes every time (everything suddenly stop and not function when the game run, have to close UE4 use Win10 TaskManager), so I do not have hope on 4.19.

However, I think the engine has a big problem with scaling controls, also it is possible because I am a blueprint user, my programming knowledge is too poor to fix this problem. Anyway, my entire game is out of control, hoping to get help here!

I do not know what words should use to describe my “luck"…The first time is I have three broken hard drives within a year. The second time is crashing 160 times when I am using 4.18. The third time is…Maybe It’s time for another vacation…