[bug] Attachment troubles on forum


I have troubles to upload some gif attachments I would like to share on the forum.
Although I respect the file size (the file I try to upload is 1,4Mo and the gif limitation is said to be 5Mo) the attachment cannot be uploaded for some reasons and I always get an error page, whatever computer or browser I use.
This is a big is a big issue for me because it means cannot explain easily the troubles I face with UE4.

I tried to contact the website support at forums.unrealengine.com but the first time I got not answer and the second time I got the following message:

Hello ,

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group you tried to contact (tops-bug)
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epicgames.com admins

I upload here the gif file I try to upload, it may help you for debugging, as well as the screenshot of the pages I get.

I wish this could be fixed soon.
Thank you for your help,

Best regards

Hi ,

Which program did you use to create the .gif? I was able to reproduce your error on the forums, however when we attempted to open it in photoshop the program did not recognize the file.

Hello ,

I used Photoshop CC 2014 and the Timeline, and then a web export.
On my side I can perfectly open it in Photoshop and view it in any software (xnview, internet explorer…).

Hi ,

Are you able to post a .png or .jpg image on the forums?

Hello ,

Yes I am. I did on posts such as this one, with a gif file that I very likely created the same way as the one I provided to you (this gif was lighter though):

And I just checked again and yes I am able to upload again this previous gif as well as any jpg or png. But as soon as I try the gif I sent to you I get an error page.

As I said this doesn’t seem to be related to my computer because I have the same problem on another one and with other browsers.
So it can be:

  • my account but the uploads I just did seem to work.
  • the provided gif file. For a reason or another (the way it has been created) it is not supported. I will try other gifs and let you know.
  • the upload engine that has some restrictions (the file weight possibly) that are different from what is mentioned on the upload page guidelines.

I create another gif file and let you know.

Me again. So after several new upload tests with the following files, all generated the same way, I have the feeling that there is a file weight limitation on gif files that is around 1Mo and not at 5Mo as mentioned on the guidelines.
Indeed the 2 lightest files are uploaded ok, the one of 1.5Mo is not.

Here are the files:

There is no need to say that 1Mo for gif files is a bit low and a higher weight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help,

Hi werwack,

I removed the .gifs as these particular .gifs had the potential to cause seizures. I am looking into whether or not there is a weight limit to gifs on the forums and will let you know if I discover what is occurring.

The file limit is still 5 Mb, so I am not certain why your .gifs are not appearing as intended. Try uploading them to google drive or an FTP server and posting the link that way.