I have troubles to upload some gif attachments I would like to share on the forum.
Although I respect the file size (the file I try to upload is 1,4Mo and the gif limitation is said to be 5Mo) the attachment cannot be uploaded for some reasons and I always get an error page, whatever computer or browser I use.
This is a big is a big issue for me because it means cannot explain easily the troubles I face with UE4.
I tried to contact the website support at forums.unrealengine.com but the first time I got not answer and the second time I got the following message:
Hello ,
We’re writing to let you know that the
group you tried to contact (tops-bug)
may not exist, or you may not have
permission to post messages to the
group. A few more details on why you
weren’t able to post:
You might have spelled or formatted
the group name incorrectly. * The
owner of the group may have removed
this group. * You may need to join
the group before receiving permission
to post. * This group may not be open
to posting.
Which program did you use to create the .gif? I was able to reproduce your error on the forums, however when we attempted to open it in photoshop the program did not recognize the file.
I used Photoshop CC 2014 and the Timeline, and then a web export.
On my side I can perfectly open it in Photoshop and view it in any software (xnview, internet explorer…).
Yes I am. I did on posts such as this one, with a gif file that I very likely created the same way as the one I provided to you (this gif was lighter though):
And I just checked again and yes I am able to upload again this previous gif as well as any jpg or png. But as soon as I try the gif I sent to you I get an error page.
As I said this doesn’t seem to be related to my computer because I have the same problem on another one and with other browsers.
So it can be:
my account but the uploads I just did seem to work.
the provided gif file. For a reason or another (the way it has been created) it is not supported. I will try other gifs and let you know.
the upload engine that has some restrictions (the file weight possibly) that are different from what is mentioned on the upload page guidelines.
Me again. So after several new upload tests with the following files, all generated the same way, I have the feeling that there is a file weight limitation on gif files that is around 1Mo and not at 5Mo as mentioned on the guidelines.
Indeed the 2 lightest files are uploaded ok, the one of 1.5Mo is not.
Here are the files:
There is no need to say that 1Mo for gif files is a bit low and a higher weight would be greatly appreciated.
I removed the .gifs as these particular .gifs had the potential to cause seizures. I am looking into whether or not there is a weight limit to gifs on the forums and will let you know if I discover what is occurring.
The file limit is still 5 Mb, so I am not certain why your .gifs are not appearing as intended. Try uploading them to google drive or an FTP server and posting the link that way.