[Bug] Assertion Failed - Exit When Playing in Viewport

Version: 1578757

Install Location: G:/Rocket (secondary hard-drive)

Specs: i5-3570k, 32 GB RAM, GTX 680, Windows 8 Pro, UAC Off


  1. Open up Editor
  2. Right click on viewport and click “Play From Here”
  3. Click File > Exit
  4. Assertion Failed!

Error Message:

Message: "Assertion failed: World [File:D:\Refence\QAUE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Player.cpp][Line:38]


May be related to: https://rocket.unrealengine.com/questions/785/bug-fatal-error-switching-projects-when-playing-in.html (?)

Probably the exact same issue, when you switch projects the editors spawns a new editor process, and then proceed to exit the current editor process.


This is, indeed, the same crash you guys were discussing with switching projects and, like I mention in the other thread, the issue is no longer occurring in our latest version so hopefully you shouldn’t be running into it in the next version we release.

