I’ve got some of these:
Assertion failed: ((UObject*)ContainerPtr)->IsA((UClass*)GetOuter()) [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.13+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\UnrealType.h] [Line: 330]
‘Pickup_C_2’ is of class ‘Pickup_C’ however property ‘BoolProperty_9760’ belongs to class ‘TRASHCLASS_TaskParent_1543’
Just removed one (about decorator) by removing decorator from all Behavior trees.
I haven’t got such crashes in 4.12.5.
These crashes occur when I change something in my AI Pawn class, recompile and start the game (in editor).
Can someone tell me what is going on? It seams like when I get rid of one the next one in line appears.
Hey Gomo,
This sounds like it could be do to some sort of circular dependency.
I have a few questions:
If you’re crashing:
- Are you getting a crash reporter window? If so, can you please provide your Machine ID from the window and ensure to hit Send & Close?
- Can you provide the logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after the crash occurs again?
- Are you able to reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- Have you tried recreating the affected assets? It’s possible there was some corruption upon upgrading the project to 4.13.
I always send crashes. Next time I’ll post them here.
I didn’t try to recreate them in blank project.
Right now I’ve deleted related tasks from all AIs because I couldn’t do anything, perhaps I should try to recreate those tasks.
I’ll try to post some more feedback soon ( I usually try to sneak between crashes to push anything further with project - so I have to recreate crash ready environment).
Right now my project is only crashin on decorator (Task is not used right now) - I recreated both Decorator itself and its Blueprint parent (it is the only one that derives from blueprint parent - all other that I use, derives from C++ class) and it is still crashing.
Thanks for the information Gomo.
Could you do me a favor and recreate the simplest form of your setup possible while still experiencing the crash in a test project? If you can do this, please provide steps I can follow to reproduce the crash on my end.
Also, screenshots of the decorator and blueprint would be helpful if you can provide those.
I’ve made simple setup in blank project mirroring crashing setup - with BP Character, BP AIController, BehaviorTree, and ParentDecorator and ChildDecorator - no crash.
Tomorrow I’ll try more advance setup but I am afraid it is something deeper ([https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/502247/bug-adding-funciont-to-blueprint-interface-makes-e.html][1] - TJ Ballard mention something about overlapping changes of many engine versions, also I have almost every main blueprint referenced almost everywhere)
Below view of recreated earlier classes:
Today I’ve made two tests:
- Migrating BT from my project with related content - and in that I was experiencing crashes.
- Moving manually BT with decorators, tasks etc, and with only my AIPawn, which I cleaned from errors and warnings - no crashes.
At this point I am sure that error is somewhere deeper.
Tomorrow I’ll try to recreate my BT - maybe that will help.
Hey Gomo,
Were you ever able to test recreating your blueprint? If you’re still experiencing the crash, I’ll need a simplified test case that I can use to reproduce it on my end, as I have not been able to do so as of yet.
Okay, in the meantime I’ll be marking this topic as resolved, as without a repro case we are unable to take any further action. If you experience the issue again and can provide a consistent repro case, feel free to post a comment to reopen the thread.
Have a great day
Right now I am trying to create new AI tree - recreating blueprints didn’t made any new crashes.
At the moment I have very little time for my project so building new AI tree will be slow (also I fix many things on the way).